Wednesday, August 26, 2009

KY State Fair II

The highlight was a competition called hog drive. The drivers --
mostly women -- had to show that they had control of their animails
(they had whips and whipped the hogs close to the hogs' ears). At the
end, the result was somewhat disappointing. The competition was rigged
and the prize was given to the most beautiful driver.


  1. Was Borat around?

  2. Oi Leandro e Silvia. Acabo de receber o convite para acompanhar a aventura cross-country de vcs. Por enquanto parace que esta' sendo so' country. Escrevam no Blog o roteiro que vcs tem planejado, e talvez eu possa dar a vcs algumas dicas.
    Quero ver fotos destas plantas durante a viagem. I don't know what you'll do with them when you are crossing the desert states in the heat of the Summer. I hope they make it well and green to your new home.
